UX Design    /    UI Design    /    Branding

Kudos ( 4 )


Develop and design a mobile app that will enhance a user’s a day-to-day; the app should fill a specific need or niche not presently covered by another application.


Kudos is a task-oriented app to help users get closer with their community and start a wave impactful change by signing up for volunteer oppurtunities or joining a club! Users are able to log hours and turn them into donations to a vlaid charity of their choice.



How can Kudos encourage local volunteer participation?

How does Kudos incentivize and rewward the users to want to continue participating?

How does Kudos create a platform that fosters local connection?



The Enlightener


He wants minimize the accumulations of his    belonging

By letting go of past roots, Mike seeks to branch out and seek new opportunities

Advocates for life long learning as a way to continually evolve and explore the world with fresh perspectives.


Staying in touch with family

Socializing with friends

Having good health and being active